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00:00:03 Charles Dickens wrote the book Bleak House in it he had a subplot about an estate that took so long to settle and was so complicated by the time they closed the estate all the money had been paid out to the lawyers probate is no doubt that was an exaggeration but probably not much for its time uh probate has been paired back considerably it’s fairly simple though Technical and it can take at least it’s at least six months typically if it’s an informal case meaning no one’s fighting about it it’ll take somewhere in the six
00:00:38 months to a year range to settle it’ll cost somewhere in the order of 2500 to $5,000 in lawyers fees and another $500 in court costs and Publishing costs if someone is fighting about it though it can cost considerably more and take considerably longer so if the heirs are going to fight they want to think about or we’re using up all the assets if you have questions about probate or how much it’s going to cost how to handle a particular situation give me a call no charge for that call of course