At W.B. Moore Law, we know that the probate process can be confusing. By definition, probate is the court-overseen process of transferring property of someone who passed away to the rightful owners by law. If someone dies and they do not have a comprehensive estate plan, they do risk their assets having to go through probate. But what our team can do is discuss with you the tools and solutions for preventing probate if you want to keep your estate private and not handled by the court based on intestate laws, which determine who inherits property when there is no will or trust left behind. Our Windsor, CO probate lawyer can walk you through the steps of creating an estate plan that avoids assets going through probate. We are ready to assist you today!
What To Know About Probate
Probate involves collecting and distributing assets, and paying debts and taxes from the estate. This process can have an impact on how an estate gets handled after someone passes. It can make the difference between a smoother distribution of assets or a prolonged process that delays beneficiaries from receiving their inheritances. Many people want to avoid probate because it can take a year or longer to conclude, cost the estate money, cause delays for beneficiaries, and does not guarantee that the assets will be given to those that the deceased would have preferred. The court may transfer assets based on intestacy laws, which doesn’t consider family dynamics or what the person who passed away would have wanted.
When Probate Goes Public
Not everyone likes the idea of having their private details be shared as public knowledge. For many people, the thought of having the court handle their estate without their wishes being considered is enough to motivate them to establish an estate plan. Our Windsor probate lawyer wants to help you protect your legacy while keeping your personal information private and only accessible to your closest family members and beneficiaries.
When probate becomes public record, it means that the details of your estate is available for anyone to see. Even estates with modest assets go through probate if there is no will or trust. If there is evidence of fraud, coercion, undue influence, or mental incapacitation the court may invalidate a will. If you have questions about probate, we can answer them for you.
W.B. Moore Law
At W.B. Moore Law, we can imagine that you want the best for your family. By having our Windsor probate lawyer assist you with establishing an estate plan, you can rest assured knowing that your wishes will be followed after your departure. Everyone has a legacy that they want to leave for future generations of family. Probate can be a difficult process for loved ones who are in a state of grief after their loss. If you want to learn more about estate planning tools to prevent your estate from going through probate, contact us today so we can offer guidance!