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00:00:03 you might not need a will the law in Colorado is very similar to the law in Most states in that if you pass your stuff automatically will go to a spouse if your spouse is not there it automatically goes to your children if you’re happy with that result maybe you don’t need a will however if you’re worried if you have minor children you probably want a will in order to name Guardians if you’ve got some people that you wouldn’t want as guardian then you want to get in there and named who you would want so the court knows
00:00:34 what you’d like to have happen the other situation is if you have significant assets and younger children not necessarily minors but let’s just take the situation of a minor so you have a 15-year-old daughter you’re going to leave her half a million dollars with your assets and your life insurance and she’s going to have the right to do whatever she wants with it so you want to talk to an estate lawyer and see if there are ways to set up a trust to limit her access access to that money and make sure it gets doled out over a
00:01:03 period of time so she doesn’t waste it as an 18-year-old my line is a 19yearold boy or an 18-year-old boy with $100,000 is a 19-year-old boy with nothing but a headache so if you have a situation where you think maybe it’s time to get a will give me a call we’ll talk it through if it makes sense for you great if not great we’ll do it some other time