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00:00:03 the answer is maybe you don’t some people will go online noo n o o is a uh an online source for documents and if you’ve got a very simple State and by simple I mean not a lot of assets and maybe some minor children you can get by with a no l document the problem is what happens if you’re more complex if you have significant assets or if you have minor kids and maybe they’re not the most responsible kids in the world you don’t want to hand them money when they turn 18 you really have to start thinking about hiring an State planning
00:00:36 lawyer to help you solve your particular problem this is one of those where yeah you could probably give yourself a stitch up a cut or something but you want a doctor to do it uh to make sure it gets done right the other problem you have is in finding an estate lawyer there are a lot of lawyers who dabble so I do a little bit of estate plan a little bit of litigation and then I do a little bit of some other area of law if you’ve got significant assets and I’m talking $250 $350,000 and maybe some issues with kids
00:01:11 or other relatives talk to somebody who does it all the time the Law changes pretty regularly and it’s complicated you don’t want to use somebody who’s inexpensive but doesn’t know what they’re talking about so if you have problems and you’re not certain whether you need to use an estate lawyer give me a call we’ll talk through your situ sitation and I’ll be honest and tell you if you need me or not and if you don’t need me great if you do great no charge for that call